Registration & Payment

  • Registration Fee: $55 per child for the whole semester 
  • Registration is allowed for children 5 to 17 years of age.

Registration is in two easy steps:

* Step 1: Make online payment and receive Transaction number from PayPal. (You don’t have to have a PayPal account, you can simply pay using Credit card from this link.)

Payment Link

* Step 2: Fill out the registration form and submit. You will receive a confirmation email from If you haven’t received it, check your spam folder too.

Registration Form Link 

Once you receive the confirmation email, you are all set. You may get follow-up emails with welcome messages, so make sure you add to your contacts to avoid going to spam!! 

Registration is on first come first serve basis, and classes get full very quickly so please register while it is still open.

Multiple children can be registered in single form. Please pay for all your students in a single payment (one payment per form).

The Payment link above will take you to PayPal payment page. If you don’t have PayPal account, you can simply pay using Credit card from there.

(text only) 480-442-4181